Friday, March 20, 2009

Writer Thing 2 and the Future of Things to Come

I'm with everyone else, or at least Wendi, who said that setting up the blog was easy enough. I've hesitated to do a blog before now because I didn't really think I had anything to say. No, more accurately, I think what I have to say is better said in book form.

Some of the lists I'm on discuss the value of blogs as a marketing tool, but the jury's still out on whether they're effective or not. I subscribed to a couple of blogs as part of this Writer Thing. One is called The Graveyard Shift by Lee Lofland. Lee blogs about various and sundried law enforcement things, which I find interesting even though my sleuth is an amateur. The other blog is called Jungle Red Writers, and it's posted by a group of mystery writers. I think group blogs are covered in an upcoming Writer Thing.

How to use a blog to ensnare readers? Ya got me. I'm told you should have a hook like cool law enforcement stuff or a groovy group of writers. Right now I have a messy table, two awsomely cute doggies, and one spouse (currently asleep in front of the TV). Something to blog about? I'm thinkin' not.

Future things to consider blogging about? Well my book has an actor for a main character, so I could do some research about things that might appeal to actors or acting students. My story is set in the motion picture industry and my MC runs a small studio-two more possible hooks. My characters live in a mansion in LA that's been converted to apartments (or condos). Maybe Southern California architecture? Some of my supplemental characters are involved in cultural pasttimes. Some are even into counterculture. More hooks? I have one character who works on film restoration when he's not on set. Also, I understand there are a couple of fairly good sized universities in LA. Could be there's something interesting going on at one of them.

Will some poor soul out in cyberspace be even remotely interested in anything I have to say about these or other subjects? Stay tuned.


  1. Jungle Red Writers is an interesting site. Thanks for sharing that one. One strategy for building a blog audience is to post on others blogs. This can generate buzz and interest in finding out who you are. At that point, post often with your gems so viewers come back or use their RSS connections.

  2. It sounds like you got a great start Vicky. Are the dog a hubby snoring? That could be a funny blog.

  3. You have a lot of hooks. I look forward to reading about one you've developed.

  4. I love the bright rose color.

  5. To me blogging in going to be like a lot of other adventures you go off on and that is you're not going to find the pot of gold right away. You're going to have to learn how to navigate the waters before you start having any kind of fun. The question is: How long does it take before one can safely navigate the waters?

  6. What's your thoughts about the other Things?


What do you think?