Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weirdness Welcome

So after a long hiatus I'm going to start blogging about the weirdness in my life again. This is part of an exercise through my writing group Deadwood Writers. Blogging is still new to me, and this blog is a work in progress. Feel free to comment and critique. I admit I haven't spent a lot of time following other people's blogs. Once in a while I read my Facebook friend Doranna Durgin's blog She posts interesting stuff about her dogs and their agility work and about her horse,  Duncan. Sometimes her beagle, Connery, will post entries that I read because they are "bawhsome"! And I'm one of those goofy pet people who say "awwww" and tear up at the thought of a beagle sharing his blog thoughts with humans.

I'm keeping this entry short cause I'm going to try to go "public" with it, and I don't want to get bogged down in a long entry today. My life being what it is, something weird is sure to happen soon, and I'll post it right away. Cause sometimes you just need to share the weird in life. Please join me.